
Winnipeg Sun Letters to the Editor: May 21, 2024

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Justin's budget

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Big moon! Did Justin and Chrystia win a multi-billion dollar lottery that we don't know about? A liberal government does what it does best – spends liberally. With Justin Trudeau criss-crossing the country making spending announcements every day, you'd think an election was around the corner, but no, it's the goodies in the budget. Captain Canada is fixing housing, school lunch programs, building AI infrastructure, and God knows what else. Canada's fiscal cupboard is already bare from resisting the demands of the NDP in exchange for their support. But what will next year – a real election year – bring? Even greater spending would push Canada into a financial hole that would take its citizens 100 years to climb out of. After the next election, the Liberal team in Opposition will push the Conservative government to “spend” and rage about “expensive programs” (which they have introduced). Again, liberals, as usual, blame the new government for taking tough decisions to fix 10 years of social/financial chaos.

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Tony Borbely

Once again the Conservatives have to clean up the mess made by the Liberals and NDP. This will be a heavy burden, as many of Trudeau's failed policies must be undone at the very least.

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Be serious

In a democracy, leaders serve one master: the voters who elected them. Unfortunately, today, money has too much power over the ability to influence politicians, which is often against the interests of citizens. Foreign intervention is made possible mainly by foreign money. Canada and the US should pass stricter laws preventing politicians from accepting foreign money and severely punish those who do.

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Michael Pravitsa

Let's hope the Liberals start giving this issue the attention it deserves.

Herd mentality trumps intelligenceThis is the missing concept in understanding the “mystery” of Trump, Putin or Trudeau. Since ancient times, people have gathered in groups – mainly to protect the herd. Unfortunately, it doesn't take intelligence to keep the herd together. Therefore, using intelligence to understand such a mystery is like trying to stop the wind with a fly.René Gendre

Each of them represents a part of his people in relation to each leader.

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