
It's the 50th anniversary of the Calgary Suburban Historical Society

CARDS — He is turning 50 this yearth Old and District Historical Society Anniversary.

No special celebration is planned yet, said chairwoman Donna Erdman.

“We don't have 50th It is late. We include it in everything we do,” he said in an interview with journalists Albertan.

However, according to Erdman, a cake-cutting ceremony may be held during the society's spring fling event in late May.

According to Erdman, in 1974, a group of residents approached the city council with the idea of ​​forming a historical society to preserve the community's history and heritage. The council approved this idea and the society was born.

The society's beginnings were humble, Erdman said.

“The first museum was a small exhibit of things in a corner of a city office — call them artifacts,” he said.

Over time, this collection increased.

Edrman said Alberta Government Telephones/Telus later moved from what is now the Mountain View Museum and Archives.

He said the city owned the building and made it available to the public.

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