
Calgary-area city updates cemetery bylaw

Didsbury – The council approved a number of updates to Didsbury Town Cemetery's bylaws, including those relating to the maintenance and upkeep of monuments at the local institution.

An addendum to the law states: “Monuments that are defaced or defaced to the point of unsightliness may be removed by the city. The city will make every effort to contact the next of kin of the deceased to give them the opportunity to replace the monument.”

The Policy and Management Committee studied the existing legislation and recommended various changes. The changes were presented to the council on April 9.

Other updates to the Act include the land registration and sale section, which now states: “If a person no longer wishes to own a plot, they can resell the plot to the Town (Didsbury) at 85. a percentage of the market value of the plot on the date of resale. The City may request a copy of the original receipt as proof of purchase.

The second change in the maintenance and upkeep section reads: “No person, other than Didsbury Town staff, shall disturb, remove or plant any trees, shrubs, plants, weeds, grass, ornamental flowers, turf or dirt on any part of any land. cemetery.

“The Town of Didsbury grants permission for the free use of the site, footpaths or walkways to remove any trees, shrubs, climbing or climbing plants which are unsightly, dangerous, inconvenient or injurious to the adjoining plots or located thereabouts.”

Now the legal act includes an updated enforcement and punishment section, which includes additional statements: “In the case of a violation of a long-term nature, the violation is a separate violation for each day or part of a day. the offense continues and any person guilty of such offense shall be liable to a fine of not less than the amount prescribed by this law for each such day.

Council approved second and third readings of updated Cemetery Bylaw No. 2024-03, which can be viewed on the city's website.

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