
Winnipeg Sun Letters to the Editor: April 17, 2024

Whether climate change exists and whether it is caused by human activity are two separate issues. Regardless of the reasons, the melting of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets is important for humanity. Likewise, the unusually rapid melting of glaciers is significant. I don't want to see New York City flood, no matter the reason. In other parts of the world, cities face river flooding caused by melting glaciers. Although part of the natural cycle, measures should be taken to reduce such flooding. If at some point our descendants face another ice age, they will have to take measures to artificially warm the climate. I don't want to see most of Europe and central Canada covered in kilometers of ice.

Climate change is real and it's up to us to adapt.

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Free money

I am a retired senior citizen with a low income. Since I don't have a car and spend very little on food, I think I get more than my carbon tax contribution. So what does this do to reduce CO2 emissions for all those Canadians paying the carbon tax? I don't think even the Liberal government knows. It seems to me that this would increase the cost of living for all of us.

Robert J. Green

One thing the Liberals know for sure is that they don't know that a carbon tax will reduce emissions.

No more taxes

Please understand that citizens already pay the salaries, emoluments, pensions, bonuses, consultant fees, legal fees and court fees of every government and bureaucrat and cannot pay more taxes even indirectly. When asked about a food tax in 2022, Trudeau said: “The last thing we want to do is impose a tax that people pass on to consumers.” Bureaucrats and civil servants should serve the citizens, not extract every last dollar from us.

Dwayne Keller

Trudeau won't stop raising taxes or creating new ones. Instead, he should know the value of the dollar and manage the tax dollars as if they were his own.

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