
PC Manitoba announces leadership contest date

The Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba has announced the date for the leadership vote.

President Brent Pools said the party's next leader will be chosen on April 26, 2025. He also announced that Brad Zander will serve as chairman of the party's Leadership Committee, which will oversee the leadership race.

Zander is a lawyer with experience in corporate and commercial law. PC Party says he has extensive experience advising boards of directors and management on corporate governance issues. Zander has served on numerous public boards in Manitoba, including Brandon University and the Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Agency.

He was also a successful advisor to Scott Gillingham's 2022 Winnipeg civic election campaign and a member of the then mayor-elect's transition team. He is the elected representative of Manitoba on the national constitutional committee of the Conservative Party of Canada.

“I am very happy and proud to be a part of this process of renewal and optimism,” says Zander. “I pledge to PC Party members and all Manitobans that the Leadership Committee will ensure that all aspects of this contest are held to the highest standards of fairness and transparency with existing and new members of the province.”

Puls says this leadership contest is an integral part of shaping the party's future, and he has every confidence that Zander and his team will ensure that the process runs smoothly and that core group members have ample opportunity to discuss and debate ideas, policies and new ideas. direction.

The Leadership Committee will announce more details about the leadership competition in the coming weeks.

In January, Lac du Bonnet MLA Wayne Evasco was elected interim leader of the Conservative group.

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