
Joe Daly's shop strikes again, with Jets and other jerseys targeted

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With the Stanley Cup playoffs just around the corner, the Winnipeg Jets have been a hot property as of late.

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Fans may want to look out for some hot shirts stolen from the family-owned business that has been in town for over 30 years.

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Joe Daly's sports and framing shop on St Mary's Road has been vandalized for the second time in two months.

On Monday night, thieves took two Mark Scheifele autographed sweaters, two from Kyle Connor and one from Morgan Barron.

They also stole NFL jerseys signed by Buffalo Bills quarterback Josh Allen and Dallas Cowboys quarterback Emmitt Smith, as well as some sets of sports cards.

“This time we're going to try to pull it off,” Daley said Winnipeg San, Tuesday. “If people see any of the footage, it's probably going in the right direction. Last time I didn't want to praise him for the a–holes that did it. If they're going to post something, somebody's going to say, 'Hey, it could be one of Joe's, let's get on with it,' and leave a little trail for the police.”

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It follows an incident in mid-February in which thieves crashed a stolen car into a building before stealing card boxes.

Daley, the former Jets quarterback, said the thieves were caught after they tried to sell the stolen goods on Facebook that night.

This latest incident saw criminals break in through a temporary door as the damage from the last incident has not yet been fully repaired.

The store, where Daly works with her son Travis, was damaged in a third incident six months ago.

“What are we going to do?” Daly said. “We're talking to the people who protect the glass, we're talking to the companies that put screens on your windows. Instead of spending a few thousand dollars to encourage people to log in, it will cost us thousands of dollars to secure ourselves, to prevent people from logging in. It's very sad.”

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The father-son team has hired security for part of the night to better protect the business.

Daley, 81, said falling victim again began to tarnish a rewarding pursuit that had cultivated countless friends.

“I had a stomach ache last night,” she said. “It was exciting, and then you get something like that a few times in a row and you're just like, 'Why? Why am I doing this?' We try to make other people's lives a little more enjoyable with our work. And at the end of the day, someone says: “Curl.”

“It's not fair. But who said life is fair?'

Priced at several hundred dollars each, Scheifele's and Connor's jerseys each featured a home blue and heritage blue design.

Barron's jersey was in home blue, while the NFL jerseys for Allen and Smith were also in their home blues and cost more than $1,000 each.

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