
763 new social and affordable housing units will be built “quickly” in Montreal

“This housing will help preserve the affordability of living in the city and the diversity of its neighborhoods that make up Montreal's identity.”

All three levels of government are investing in 763 new social and affordable housing units in Montreal, which will be built “rapidly,” according to an announcement by the Quebec Housing Corporation.

The 12 projects that resulted from a call for projects by the Quebec Affordable Housing Program (PHAQ) are part of the Housing Acceleration Fund under the Canada-Quebec Agreement. Quebec and Canada will each invest $900 million, with the city of Montreal contributing “at least 40 percent of the grant.”

Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante hailed the cooperation with the governments of Quebec and Canada, which “shows that when all levels work together, it works.”

“This housing will help maintain the affordability of the metropolis and the diversity of its neighborhoods that make up the city's identity. Our administration has made the housing crisis a priority since day one, and we will continue to innovate and support all initiatives to help all Montrealers find a home that fits their needs and means.”

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