
A Winnipeg Cree influencer was featured in Sephora's first Indigenous History Month ad campaign

The ads primarily feature Winnipegger Michelle Chubb (left) and Montreal-based Sheena Novalinga, but include many other local models.  (Image credit CNW Group/Sephora Canada)

The ads primarily feature Winnipegger Michelle Chubb (left) and Montreal-based Sheena Novalinga, but include many other local models. (Image credit CNW Group/Sephora Canada)

Michelle Chubb says she was shocked when she received an email in April from cosmetics manufacturer Sephora in Canada asking her to participate in an ad campaign featuring an all-Indigenous cast and crew.

It was an exciting opportunity — and the Nehinaw (Swamp Cree) social media influencer from Winnipeg knew it would inspire her to see her 10-year-old self.

“Knowing what I've been through, he couldn't say how he wanted to express himself. It's stuck,” Chubb told CBC. Up to speed Hosted by Leonard Monkman on Friday.

“I thought there wasn't much I could do in life. . . . It's so important to have that representation because (now other kids) can dream and say, 'I can do this, too.'”

Chubb is a member of the Bunibonibee Cree Nation, known as Oxford House, a tribe of about 3,000 people located about 575 kilometers north of Winnipeg.

The ads represent Sephora Canada's first national Indigenous History Month campaign, the company said in a press release.

It aims to “amplify the voices of Canada's Indigenous peoples by honoring their knowledge, wisdom, diverse strengths and teachings,” the statement said.

The campaign features Chubb alongside Montreal-based Inuk singer Sheena Novalinga.

CNW Group/Sephora CanadaCNW Group/Sephora Canada

CNW Group/Sephora Canada

It also includes exclusively local talent, from wardrobe and styling to the campaign's videographer and photographer.

The ads will run across Sephora Canada's digital platforms, and images of Novalinga and Chub will appear in more than 80 of the retailer's stores, the release said.

A local drag queen was also featured

The campaign also features several members of the Winnipeg-based Bannock Babes.

Two-spirited drag queen Fter Talia says representation in the campaign was important to them as well.

“It was amazing,” the performer told CBC Weekend morning show On Saturday, Stephanie will host Crum.

“You (often) don't even see all the indigenous people in the campaign … It was great to see just one person with two spirits there.”

Sephora Canada/YouTubeSephora Canada/YouTube

Sephora Canada/YouTube

In one of the campaign videos, Chubb dances in full regalia, wearing an echo dress. He said it meant a lot to him, especially since he learned that indigenous traditions like the potlatch were banned in Canada until 1951.

“It feels really powerful, especially the jingle dress I made myself. It's amazing how much has changed over the years,” he said.

SEE | Michelle Chubb on Sephora Canada Reclaiming Her Power:

With more than 403,000 followers on TikTok and 151,000 followers on Instagram, Chubb hopes her platform will inspire young Indigenous children to follow their dreams.

He also had some advice for them.

“Don't let anyone tell you what to do and what you can and can't do.

“Whatever you dream of, you can do it. You should focus only on yourself, not what others say.”

Some critics have raised issues with the campaign because it did not include Afro-indigenous peoples. Sephora Canada issued a statement in response, pledging to do better.

“We are actively engaged in conversations with Afro-Indigenous communities about how to ensure that all people see their stories represented and celebrated in the beauty industry,” the statement said.

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