
The Government of Manitoba will ensure a continuous supply of fuel while the pipelines are being repaired

The Government of Manitoba is actively monitoring fuel supply levels, distribution and prices as repairs to the Imperial Oil pipeline continue. Despite the repairs, gasoline, diesel and jet fuel continue to flow into Manitoba.

The government is working closely with suppliers and stakeholders to monitor fuel distribution and supply chain development. This collaboration aims to ensure that Manitobans have continued access to fuel while pipeline repairs are completed in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.

In a major development, the upgrade of the fuel terminal in Winnipeg has been completed. These upgrades increased intra-city rail trucking capacity, improved distribution to local retailers, and ensured a steady supply of fuel.

Imperial Oil, the company responsible for the pipeline, has notified the province that repairs are on schedule and will be completed in June. Regional inspectors will continue to visit the site to monitor environmental impacts. In order to ensure that all operations are carried out responsibly, the presence of inspectors will be strengthened during the drilling phase of pipeline repair.

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