
Pape and Danforth Starbucks were the first Toronto locations to unionize

The Starbucks on the Danforth was the first Toronto location to join a union.

The United Steelworkers union (USW) recently announced that this is the first step in acquiring other locations in Toronto. However, some expressed concern that it could affect the store's ability to stay open. Some union organizers suggest that Starbucks become more popular with the union.

Join USW

In a March 6 and 7 vote, employees at the Pape and Danforth locations voted yes to join USW. The union did not release the exact results of the vote.

“In a world that is hostile to workers and increasingly dangerous for us, it is more important than ever to have protections beyond what the company prescribes, as well as the ability to earn a living wage,” said Joe Price. , employee at Danforth, in a media release issued by USW.

“We started this campaign because we know our worth. We know that we are the foundation of our store and our company, and we deserve to be valued and respected as such.”

The Danforth location is the fourth Starbucks location in Ontario, along with Ajax, Kitchener and most recently Waterloo. USW also represents Starbucks employees in Alberta and British Columbia. They are the largest private sector union in North America, representing 225,000 members in Canada.

A spokesperson for Starbucks Canada told the Observer magazine that “Starbucks has always tried to negotiate in good faith.”

In an emailed statement, Starbucks believes that “direct relationships as partners (employees) are at the core of the culture and experience we create in our stores. However, we respect the right of all partners to make their own decisions about unions, whether they are for or against representation.

The USW also took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to welcome Starbucks' union location.

Fight for profit

Some might assume that Starbucks workers are fighting for fair wages, but that's not the case, says Darlene Jalbert, USW District 6 organizing coordinator.

“It's really about Starbucks policy. Policies that look good in the store are not implemented in practice,” he said in an interview.

“What the workers at Starbucks are demanding is a set of rules that the employer can follow and that they can trust.”

SEE | Toronto Starbucks votes to join union:

One example Jalbert described is Starbucks canceling employees' shifts to avoid giving them a benefits package for completing certain hours.

Workers at the Danforth declined to comment on the union's impact on their jobs.

Disruption of the union

However, union organizers say Starbucks has been recognized as the dominant union in the union industry and the USW must find ways to hide the message of their progress.

“Starbucks is very anti-union. “When they find out we're working at a certain store, they show anti-union videos and intimidate people,” Jalbert said.

Reddit users also questioned the location's longevity after joining the union. One user wrote, “Betting on how long the Pap and Danforth locations will be closed after being described as underperforming.”

It comes months after Indigo closed one of its three union locations in Scarborough in what many employees called a union strike.

Future stores

The process of consolidating Starbucks locations may take a long time, but USW is working to organize more locations in Toronto.

“Every week there are more calls. Every week more campaigns are started…it's just a matter of getting them to the finish line,” Jalbert said.

“Workers in the industry often turn to steelworkers to represent their interests at work, and Starbucks partners are no different. They want fair compensation, a healthy and safe workplace and a work environment where they are valued,” said Miles Sullivan, USW District 6 Director (Ontario and Atlantic Canada) in the release.

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