
Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre welcomes the comparison to the minions

Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre says he has no problem likening it to the Minions — the hapless, yellow, capsule-shaped minions of Despicable Me fame — especially when the comparison makes him look skinny.

Coderre responded to Serge Chaplot's cartoon in Friday's La Presse with the caption, “Mayor Coderre is resurrected.”

A cartoon and photo montage of Coderre and the minion went viral on Twitter.

Both played footage of Coderre, wearing a blue protective suit and yellow helmet, inspecting a sewer wrench repair Thursday.

Repairs required the release of eight billion liters of raw sewage into the St. Lawrence River this week, a controversial move that sparked international concern.

When asked about the minion comparison on Friday, Coderre was quick to accept.

“My daughter was happy. She loves Minions,” he said.

The mayor also thanked Chapleau for making himself look thin.

“This is great news. That means my bike is working.”

Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that the Minions were characters from Pixar Animation Studios. They are actually made by Illumination Entertainment.(Nov 13, 2015 18:45)

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