
According to the latest StatsCan estimates, Calgary's population grew by 6%, Edmonton's by 4.2%.

The population of the Calgary metro area grew by nearly 96,000 people last year — a staggering six per cent increase in just 12 months, according to new estimates released by Statistics Canada on Wednesday.

Edmonton, meanwhile, added more than 63,000 people, a 4.2 percent increase.

This is the largest annual increase for both cities in current StatsCan records dating back to 2001.

Alberta's recent population growth has been well documented, but these new numbers give a clearer picture of how many people are now living in its two largest metropolitan areas.

As of July 1, 2023, there were 1.68 million people living in and around Calgary, up from 1.59 million a year earlier, according to the latest estimates.

Edmonton metro area increased from 1.5 million to 1.56 million.

Both cities have seen rapid population growth in the past, but nothing like this in recent times.

Calgary's growth rate of six per cent was well above 2006's 3.5 per cent.

And Edmonton's 4.2 percent growth beat 2014's high by a full percentage point.

Among Canada's major cities, Calgary showed the highest growth rate.

Of all 41 metropolitan areas tracked by Statistics Canada, only Moncton, N.B., and Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ont., did better, both of which saw population growth of 6.1 per cent.

Edmonton's rate of 4.2 percent was tied with metropolitan Vancouver.

Statistics Canada's definition of metro Calgary includes Airdrie, Beisecker, Chestermere, Cochrane, Crossfield, Irricana, Rocky View County and Tsuutina Nation.

It does not include Okotoks or Strathmore. (Here's a full PDF map of Calgary's boundaries.)

The Edmonton metropolitan area includes Rocky Plain, Spruce Grove, Leduc, Sherwood Park and Fort Saskatchewan, as well as smaller nearby communities. (Here's a PDF map of Edmonton's complete boundaries.)

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