
Calgary Woodworkers make SW off-road park benches

A Calgary resident wasn't looking for any conflict when he built six benches for a dog park on Oakmount Drive in Southwest.

Simon Grabowski said he understands the need to give people in their community a place to sit when they need it.

“A guy with one lung walks around every day, he seems to think about it,” he said.

“A lot of knee operations and different operations, asthma, you don't know it, people look young and fit, but they need a chair, they need to sit, and people are always saying thank you, thank you.”

The chairs had been in the park for about a month before they knew they were in town.

Grabowski was contacted and asked if he could remove them within seven days because people in the community didn't want them.

“I had them call me and tell me to pick them up and that would be it,” he said.

“That would be the end of the story, I thought, and then I told everyone at the park and they said, 'No, we want them to stay.'

Grabowski isn't sure how the city knew so many park users wanted the benches to stay in place, but he said there's no need to remove them.

“We know Calgarians are passionate about their local park space and want to be a part of improving their communities,” the City of Calgary said in a statement.

“The City of Calgary is looking for a solution that will allow these public benches to be preserved, while also ensuring that our parks and benches in parks are safe for everyone.

“We will work closely with the seat manufacturer on any safety repairs – unfortunately any seats that are unsafe and beyond repair will need to be removed.”

The Oakridge community struggled to find a solution to keep the benches in place permanently.

Hugh Stewart is an association board member and checked out the chairs.

According to Stewart, the community has to go through many steps to keep them in place

“I asked Simon if he would be in charge of waiting,” Stewart said. “He said he would, and under the agreement, if he doesn't continue to maintain them, then the city has the right to remove them.”

Stewart said, like many park users, he would benefit from having benches in the area to give people who need a break a place to sit.

“I think it's helpful to have a few chairs out there,” he said. “There are seniors with and without dogs walking around, so some level seats are nice.”

Jeff Jessom and his dog, Willow, are permanent residents of the park and advocate for keeping them.

“The chairs are amazing, somebody went through a lot of trouble to make them, the architecture, the craftsmanship that went into them, they're just amazing,” he said. “They're a nice addition that the city doesn't have to pay for, so I'd say the city should embrace the community spirit.”

According to Grabowski, many people have contacted him about putting benches in their yards.

“So far people want my benches, they love them, they think it's a piece of art in the park, so I don't know what to say to that, but thank you,” he said.

“I don't want to push anybody else to put benches or anything, that's not the point, that's not what I'm trying to do, it's just old people, this whole neighborhood is full of them and people with health problems and they're like, 'I have to walk their dog, and the dogs are fine and what do you do (when you need to relax).

City officials told Grabowski they will re-inspect the benches in the spring and make a decision about their future.

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