
Calgary pop-up creates 'vibrant' space for black youth

A formerly vacant storefront in downtown Calgary is now home to a pop-up space celebrating black culture and craftsmanship.

The University of Calgary announced the project on Monday.

Located at 808 First Street SW, the pop-up will provide a space for black communities, local leaders, artists and musicians to gather and exhibit or perform their work.

Transformative Racial and Spatial Justice: Celebrating Black People'Education and contribution It is a collaboration between the Faculty of Social Work's Anti-Black Racism Working Group and the School of Architectural Planning and Landscape (SAPL) led by Dr. Patrina Duhaney.

“This space provides an incredible opportunity to celebrate black contributions in downtown Calgary,” Duhaney said in a statement.

The Calgary Design Clinic has become a space for a Black Youth Summer Leadership Program. (Photo Zoltan Varadi, Faculty of Social Work)It will also have a summer youth leadership program that will allow 23 participants (ages 15-18) to develop their leadership skills.

“It gives young people access to spaces they are often denied. Activities in the space are designed to illuminate intersections between race and space, and to dismantle and transform oppressive spaces that minimize or exclude black contributions.”

Through the Youth Leadership Program, participants participate in a series of workshops and events to raise awareness of emerging issues in Black communities and develop an action plan for change.

“Locals and tourists alike appreciate the vibrant infusion of black arts and culture,” Duhani said.

“The project is designed to recognize the strength, resilience, and plight of Black people, while advocating for Black inclusion through opportunities for spatial justice.”

Transformative Racial and Spatial Justice: Celebrating Black Knowledge and Contribution officially opened to the public on Monday.

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