
Calgary communities were hit hard by summer storms

It started out as a smoky day in Calgary, but a number of communities saw some very stormy weather shortly after dinner on Saturday.

Heavy rain, accompanied by large, golf ball-sized hail, ripped through gardens and landed in yards, particularly in the western part of the city, in areas such as Riverbend and Bankview.

Thunderstorms struck in the southwest, causing water to accumulate in some areas, including McLeod Trawl near Chinook Center.

The chuckwagon races at the Stampede were swamped, turning the track into a huge mud puddle halfway through the night's heat.

No one was hurt, but the mud runners' times were significantly slower, resulting in a surprise for Chance Wiegen, who competed in the final heat of the night, where times were more than three seconds slower than in previous heats. muddy road.

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