
Calgary Sun Letters to the Editor for Monday, May 6, 2024

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“Wakko” works

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Re: Poilevre kicked out of House of Commons for calling Trudeau 'wacko', 'extremist' online, April 30

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Whether Speaker of the House Greg Fergus likes it or not, Pierre Polievre was right when he called Trudeau a wacko. To be honest, I think Poilevre was too polite, as I could find many less generous nicknames to match the prime minister.

Every policy this Liberal government has pursued against Canadians has been designed to bankrupt them. The country is sliding down that dangerous slope thanks to this government's excessive spending. Much of it wasn't even spent on Canadians or in Canada because it was sent overseas despite our food insecurity, homelessness and lack of timely access to health care.

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That alone justifies the label. Why can the Prime Minister call Canadians racist or misogynists, is that right? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, and if the Prime Minister can't call a name aimed at him, then he might as well shut up and start doing the right thing in the House.

Sandy Johnston

(If Trudeau knew how to be quiet, he didn't use that talent.)

True colors

There are two reasons I can see why the NDP would support the Trudeau Liberals. One is that there is no one in the NDP standing up to Singh and telling him to stop supporting the Liberals. The second reason is that if you remember your primary color mixing, you will mix red and yellow to make orange and make orange. This proves that the NDP is already a mix of liberals and others. Also, don't forget, yellow has been the color of cowards for many years.

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Scott McMaster

(And don't forget the lucrative pensions many of them receive. The NDP is a joke.)

Gilbo's failed gambit

No Canadian should be surprised that a radical environmentalist will be appointed Minister of the Environment. Steven Guilbault, who put a cap on carbon emissions that costs every Canadian and hurts the economy, now wants to put a cap on plastics. This adds significantly to the cost of many food products. Guilbeau, while sacrificing the Canadian economy with his war on fossil fuels, did not take into account that China and India, the largest carbon emitters, would not participate. It now ignores Asia's biggest ocean polluters and has no plans to engage in radical plastic production. The sooner Guilbaugh leaves the government, the better.

Larry Como

(The sooner the Trudeau government goes, the better.)

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