
According to the City of Montreal, users can't just park Jump bikes wherever they want

Uber's Jump e-bike service launched in Montreal last week, and the city says it's not following the law on where users can park their dockless bikes.

Eric Alan Caldwell, a member of the city's executive committee responsible for urban planning and transit, said Friday that operators need to ensure that bikes are where they need to be.

“We don't want bikes to be parked where they're not meant to be parked. I encourage Jump to do better in this way,” he said.

Montreal's updated bylaw says bicycles and e-scooters can only be parked on bike racks or in areas designated by the city.

Ivanoch Demers/Radio CanadaIvanoch Demers/Radio Canada

Ivanoch Demers/Radio Canada

Ultimately, Caldwell said, it's up to the company to move bikes that aren't parked properly or are obstructing the road.

“We're not in the same disaster scenario as other cities are, but still our law enforcement is not as good as we hope it will be,” Caldwell said.

An Uber spokesperson told CBC News it is working closely with the city to comply with the new rules.

“We would like to remind all users that it is very important to lock bicycles in a suitable public rack without obstructing their passage. Users who do not comply with the bicycle parking rules will receive a warning,” Marc-Antoine Guerard said in a statement. .

For further violations, users may be fined $25 and may have their account terminated.

As of Friday, Montreal users had taken more than 10,000 trips since the service launched on June 26, the company said.

Users must wear a helmet while using the Jump bike as the electric bikes can travel at a speed of 32 km/h.

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