
Montreal Vigil and March for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Trans and Two-Spirit People

“Too many indigenous families have lost loved ones due to colonial violence. Many Indigenous women, girls, trans and two-spirit people wonder if they will be next. This cannot go on.”

Every Valentine's Day, the Gender Advocacy Center and Iskweu Montreal host a memorial march and National Day of Action for missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, trans and bi-spirited people. The purpose of the event is to raise awareness and raise awareness of the countless disappearances, murders and violence against First Nations and Inuit people over the years.

“Too many indigenous families have lost loved ones due to colonial violence. Many Indigenous women, girls, trans and two-spirit people wonder if they will be next. This cannot continue.

The final report of the 2019 National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls has been released. Now is the time to take action and implement the recommendations to end the genocide against indigenous communities. We will not allow the countless hours of testimony and knowledge of thousands of indigenous people to go to waste. We have all the necessary information.”

Iskweu noted that these events, which take place every year on October 4, “allow us to learn more about activists and elders and inspire action through songs and performances by local artists.” Speakers and performers for this event include MC Sarah Carrier, Elder Kevin Deere, Traveling Spirit Drum Group, and Ellen Gabriel.

The annual vigil will be held at Cabot Square on February 14 at 6 p.m., followed by a parade on Ste-Catherine to Canada Square. Event organizers encourage participants to bring drums, visual aids and/or lights.

TODAY: Montreal Vigil and March for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Trans and Two-Spirit People

Committed to raising awareness and addressing violence against Indigenous women, the Assembly of First Nations reports that Indigenous women and girls are five times more likely to be victims of violence than other peoples in Canada and report this violence. will lead to serious consequences.

To view the final report of the National Survey on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, click here.

Montreal's MMIWG2S+ vigil and parade will take place at Cabot Square (Atwater and Ste-Catherine) on Wednesday, February 14, from 6 to 8 p.m. Visit the event page for more details.

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