
Dr. Jitendra Paliwal has been appointed Vice President of Research and Innovation

The University of Winnipeg is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Jitendra Paliwal as Vice-President for Research and Innovation, effective August 1, 2024. Dr. Paliwal currently serves as Associate Dean (Academic and Graduate Programs) in the Faculty of Agriculture. of Food Sciences at the University of Manitoba and Professor of Biosystems Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering since 2002.

Over the past two decades, Dr. Paliwal has established an internationally recognized research program in food quality monitoring. The knowledge and applied solutions developed by his laboratory have helped scientists, equipment manufacturers and regulators in the agri-food sector. He is also part of a distinguished team of industry and academic researchers who have adapted a biomedical imaging technique and developed award-winning grain debris monitoring technology. Over the past two decades, substantial research funding from government agencies, private industry, and commodity groups has advanced its interdisciplinary research program and established it as an authority on food safety and security.

Dr. Paliwal serves on the editorial boards of two prestigious Elsevier journals, has published more than 150 peer-reviewed technical articles, has contributed to the training of more than 100 students and scholars, and has given numerous presentations worldwide. He has been appointed as an Honorary Visiting Professor at South China University of Technology (SCUT) since 2016.

Dr. Paliwal's influence extends beyond academia – he was elected as the 100th President of the Engineers of Manitoba (EGM) in 2019. He also served as an expert advisor to the Manitoba Minister of Municipal Affairs during the review of technical bills. He has received numerous awards and accolades, including being appointed as a Fellow of Engineers of Canada and the Canadian Society for Bioengineering.

Please join us in welcoming Dr. Paliwal to the campus community. We look forward to the difference he will make in our city, our province and beyond by advancing research and innovation at UWinnipeg.

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