
Communato in Montreal expands to meet growing demand

Communauto and the City of Montreal car-sharing company have announced that the service will expand this year to meet the growing demand seen across the island.

“We are proud to offer Montrealers additional, fast and efficient transportation options,” said Valérie Plante, Mayor of Montreal at Communauto Inc. “Communavto is a leading partner in reducing the number of cars on our roads, given that each self-driving car replaces between seven and 11 cars.”

(Credit: Martin Dagle/CityNews)

Montrealers should see more than 1,100 connected cars across the island, the development of regional stations and the arrival of Communato in Lachine – which will be the new FLEX zone.

They say the cars will be added gradually over the year, including 900 at the station and 200 in FLEX mode.

“The city of Montreal is a leading player in the development of car sharing,” said Sophie Mauzerollet, executive committee member responsible for mobility and transport. “We are excited that this expansion will help diversify the mobility options offered to citizens, reduce the use of private vehicles, free up our roads and decarbonize our vehicles, while improving the quality of life for Montrealers.”

Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante addressed the Communato expansion at a press conference in Lachine on April 15. (Credit: Martin Dagle/CityNews)

New vehicles include 85 electric cars and 70 minibuses.

By the end of the year, 400 vehicles will be replaced by new models.

“We are happy to count on the support of the city of Montreal,” said Benoit Robert, president and founder of Communauto. “Without this support, our role could not be carried out effectively.”

“By joining forces,” he added. “We aim to provide green and convenient transportation solutions that help shape a sustainable future for our city and its residents.”

(Credit: Martin Dagle/CityNews)

According to the announcement, Communauto has expanded its Montreal fleet by 900 vehicles in 2023. Increase the total number of vehicles in the city to 3700.

They said the additions allowed 14 percent of Montreal households to use Communato services, an increase of 22 percent over the previous year.

These households traveled 95 million kilometers and made 2.9 million orders.

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