
Homemade donut shops in Montreal sweeten the city's food scene

Homemade donut shops seem to be gaining popularity, and Montreal's most sought-after locations show no signs of stopping.

Bernie Bain has been satisfying Montrealers' sweet tooth since opening in 2021.

“We are constantly growing. One of the biggest challenges here is managing growth,” said co-owner Dean Giannarakis.

While flavors like Matcha White Chocolate or Grape Hubba Bubba are cutting-edge varieties, the Mile-End co-owner says they owe their success to the old-school approach.

“It's a small family business,” he said. “All were related or related in some way many years ago.”

The glass station facing the window is also a nod to the bakeries of old, a nostalgic experience for some.

“Donuts, really homemade doughs, I had when I was a kid in Montreal,” said food critic Leslie Chesterman. “Then I saw that the donuts in the house were gone when the chains took over.”

Chesterman said the loss of those stores has left Montrealers craving baked goods.

In Montreal's NDG neighborhood, restaurateur Terry Axiotis noticed a void in the market and decided to fill it.

“I think people still like the feeling of seeing them make fresh donuts at home, always from scratch,” said the owner of Homer's Donuts. “So because you're making it from scratch, I think people feel like, you know, it's worth it.”

According to him, good dough is the key to success.

“It's a really good dough,” NDG resident Dale Charles said. “It's wet.”

When Homer's Donuts opened in late March, Charles was impressed from his first visit.

Lines at both stores are now a daily occurrence, with some customers making trips to get dozens.

“Honestly, it's all the flavors that are available,” said Stephanie Couillard, a Laurentians resident. “Especially for our children. They love all colored children.'

Chesterman now considers homemade donuts a staple in town.

“Maybe it's a little trendy right now with the stores, but it's not like things, you know, even things like tacos.” he said. “Are tacos a trend? No, because if they're good, they're good and they'll always be there.”

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