
Calgary Sikhs participate in worldwide celebrations to honor the history of Sikhism

This weekend, Sikhs around the world are celebrating Vaisakhi.

It is a time to celebrate and reflect on the founding day of their religion.

In Calgary, festivities took place Saturday at the Dashmesh Cultural Center in northeast Calgary.

“Vaisakhi is the birthplace of the Khalsa for the world and for Sikhs,” says Raj Sidhu, operations director of the Dashmesh Cultural Centre.

“Today, the community comes together to celebrate, to understand where we came from and to be proud of who we are.”

Around 70,000 people are expected to visit the centre, including Prime Minister Daniel Smith.

“It's very important, especially if you know when the premiere is, we've had a mayor before,” says Sidhu.

“It means a lot because it shows that people are interested in our community and it makes our community feel like part of the fabric of Calgary.”

The community is also gearing up for the annual Nagar Kirton procession on May 11.

It starts at the Dashmesh Cultural Center, travels through the northeastern communities, and ends at Prairie Winds Park.

It is the second largest parade in Calgary after the Stampede Parade.

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