
An arrest was made during a drug investigation in Clarence Square Park

Toronto police have made multiple arrests after finding a large amount of drug paraphernalia and a metal replica firearm in a tent at a camp in Clarence Square Park.

On Friday at approximately 8:28 p.m., police executed a search warrant at a tent camp located in the park.

Officers allegedly searched several tents in the camp.

Two people were found and arrested, and a large amount of drugs and a metal replica firearm were found inside the tent.

Pablo Jose Bermudez Garcia, 57, of Toronto, has been charged with eight different felonies, including trafficking in fentanyl, cocaine and methamphetamine and possessing a prohibited weapon for the purpose of possession.

Gregorio Fera, 33, of Toronto, was charged with assault, as well as possession of fentanyl and methamphetamine for the purpose of trafficking.

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